Medical Research

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In the realm of age measurement, chronological age has long been the gold standard—a straightforward calculation of the time elapsed since birth. Unaffected by lifestyle choices, dietary habits, or environmental
Apart from Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the Ketogenic Diet, another popular approach to weight loss is tailoring dietary choices based on blood type.
Guava is rich in vitamin C, providing up to 377 milligrams per fruit, which is more than five times the amount found in oranges.
In the past, intra-familial marriages were relatively common, but in contemporary society, they are less favored due to the potential risks associated with offspring.
Using a toothbrush with hard bristles or brushing too aggressively can lead to bleeding gums. Lack of vitamin C can weaken the immune system and make gums more prone to
Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for building and maintaining the body. They come in pairs, with one gene inherited from each parent.
When it comes to imminent dangers for women, cervical cancer poses a significant threat. In Thailand, approximately 4,500 women lose their lives to cervical cancer.